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Author: conssater
Dаtе: 26.09.2012
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Phylum Chordata - Smithsonian Marine.
Chordate - Wikipedia, the free.
Chordates, members of the phylum Chordata, are deuterostome animals possessing a notochord, a hollow dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, an endostyle, and a post
Chordata - Tree of Life Web Project
phylum chordata
Phylum Chordata - Integrative Biology
Porifera Cnidaria Platyhelminthes Nematoda Mollusca AnnelidaAnnelida Arhropoda Echinodermata ChordataChordata Multicelled Radial Tissues Bilateral Symmetry, Organs,
phylum chordata
Systematik ZoologieBack to Animals. Phylum Chordata (Sea Squirts and Vertebrate Animals) Click on a Subphylum or Class to view species lists and reports
Phylum Chordata - Smithsonian Marine.
Phylum Chordata. Although not the largest phylum, Chordata contains the most familiar species, including humans. All chordates have several things in common that
Chordates are defined as organisms that possess a structure called a notochord, at least during some part of their development. The notochord is a rod that extends
22.05.2008 · Best Answer: Phylum Chordata General Characteristics All chordates have a dorsal hollow nerve tube, a notochord, and pharyngeal gill slits. All vertebrates
Salpen .